WinHoldEm Help - Manual Mode

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Dealing Cards Chairs/Players/Hands Dealer Rake Percentage Pot Amount Call Amount Chart Betting Circles Macro Button

The WH Manual Mode Buttons

Please note that due to .GIF image palette compression the graphic images below may have a slight tint.

Next/Prev Chair

Pressing either of these buttons will move the user chair cursor
+ clockwise or
- counterclockwise
Selecting the user chair should be done before dealing cards, and/or using the Formula Editor.

Add/Rem Player

Pressing either of these buttons will:
+ add a dealt player and hand to the table
- remove a dealt player and hand from the table
Opponent players will be seen as a light red colored circle. (by default)
Friendly players will be seen as a light green colored circle. (by default)

Undeal All/One

Pressing either of these buttons will:
<< undeal all cards
< undeal one card

Card Rank

Pressing any of the card rank buttons will select the rank for the next card to be dealt. (see dealing) Only a single rank selection can be active at one time. You can change the selected rank just simply by clicking another rank. You can unselect the active rank by clicking on the active rank. Any time both a rank and suit are selected a card will be dealt. Any time a card is dealt the active rank and suit buttons become deselected.

Card Suit

Pressing any of the card suit buttons will select the suit for the next card to be dealt. (see dealing) Only a single suit selection can be active at one time. You can change the selected suit just simply by clicking another suit. You can unselect the active suit by clicking on the active suit. Any time both a rank and suit are selected a card will be dealt. Any time a card is dealt the active rank and suit buttons become deselected.

Dealing Cards

Any time both a rank and suit button are pressed, a single card will be dealt to the next location, and the active rank and suit buttons will be deselected. The next card location is determined by priority:
1) First selected card if any starting at chair 0.
2) User chair if there are less than 2 cards.
3) Flop if there are less than 5 cards.


The WinHoldEm table view has upto 10 chair locations. The two small diamond markers indicate an empty chair. You can right/left click on the chair locations:
- first left click will add a player - dealt and not playing (a colored circle indicates a dealt player)
- second left click will add a hand - dealt and playing (card backs indicate a playing opponent)
- right clicks reverse the left click actions

Player Betting Circles

Each dealt player has a betting circle that you can click on to change the bet for that player. The userchair action history for didchec, didcall, didrais will be set accordingly

Left Click

- check or call depending on the game state

Shift Left Click

- bet/raise 1 bet
- the first 2 raises in round 1 will be interpreted as the blinds

Right Click

- clear the bet action history ( didchec, didcall, didrais )
- if this is the userchair and the bet and action are clear then check

Control Left Click

- open the bet selector dialog
- action history is not modified


The dealer chair is indicated by a small colored circle between the diamonds. You can move the dealer button forward 1 chair by left clicking on the button. It may take up to 1 second to see the change.

Rake Percentage

The rake percentage control indicator is centered at the top of the table view. You can click on the rake to change the value. The rake is used in the WinHoldEm default formulas to adjust the pot up or down depending on the value.

Pot Common/Player Amounts

The pot amounts indicator/control is located to the right of the common cards. You can click on the text to change the value of potcommon The symbol pot is the sum of potcommon and potplayer The pot amount is used in the WinHoldEm default formulas to calculate expected value.

Call Amount (no longer used)

This control was used in older version of WinHoldEm and is no longer used in manual mode. You can still view the call amount down in the WinHoldEm status bar. The call amount is now directly controlled via the betting circles. The call amount will be the difference between your current bet and the largest player bet.

The call amount is used in the WinHoldEm default formulas to calculate the expected value of calling.


WinHoldEm tracks the progress of each of the 3 probabilites as calculated by the winholdem analyzers.
The prwin value is shown in green.
The prlos value is shown in red.
The prtie value is shown in blue.
The top of the chart represents 100%.
The bottom of the chart represents 0%.
The values all begin at zero and are reported once for each of the 4 betting rounds.

Macro Button (lower right)

The Manual Mode Macro control is an easy way to reset the table to a specific game state. A Left Click will execute the macro and a Right Click will open an editor dialog. The macro string is composed of simple single character case sensitive commands that will simulate click events on the manual mode tool bar buttons.

UNext User Chair (h+)
uPrev User Chair (h-)
PAdd Player (P+)
pRem Player (p-)
bPost Small Blind
BPost Big Blind

The default macro will select chair 6 and seat 9 opponents and post the blinds.

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