WinHoldEm Help - Hand List Editor

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WH Hand List Dialog

WinHoldem is a fully programmable poker bot. WinHoldem by itself is just a tool. But it is very powerful tool given the right understanding of holdem hands. The hand list dialog allows you to organize and classify each of the 169 holdem hands.

To add any hand to a list simply click the tab of the desired list to display it. And then click the checkbox the corresponds to the hand. Note that the suited hands are above the long diagonal. Note that the non-sutied hands are below the long diagonal. A2-suited is the upper right checkbox. A2-off-suited is the lower left checkbox. The long diagonal corresponds to the 13 pair hands. AA is the upper left checkbox. 22 is the lower right checkbox.

There are 8 hand lists in all that are numbered 0-7. Lists 0,1 and 7 are also named listcall, listrais, listalli respectively.


Pressing the OK button will apply all of your list changes and close the dialog.
Pressing the APPLY button will apply all of your list changes but continue the dialog.
Pressing the CANCEL button will diregard any unapplied changes and close the dialog.
Pressing any of the window tabs will display the selected list for that tab.

All of your lists are saved in a file called WH.DAT.
WH.DAT is loaded when you launch WinHoldem.
WH.DAT is saved when you close WinHoldem.

Call List ( list0 )

By default you should list all of the hands that you would always like to call on the preflop. The default WH call formula refers to the call list with the symbol 'islistcall'. Note that the symbol 'islist0' also refers to the call list. Note that the default WH settings use the call list in this manner. But you are free to use it however you like within your forumlas.

Raise List ( list1 )

By default you should list all of the hands that you would always like to raise on the preflop. The default WH raise formula refers to the rais list with the symbol 'islistrais'. Note that the symbol 'islist1' also refers to the raise list. Note that the default WH settings use the raise list in this manner. But you are free to use it however you like within your formulas.

Allin List ( list7 )

By default you should list all of the hands that you would always like to allin on the preflop. The default WH allin formula refers to the allin list with the symbol 'islistalli'. Note that the symbol 'islist7' also refers to the allin list. Note that this list is only used in no limit games. Note that the default WH settings use the allin list in this manner. But you are free to use it however you like within your formulas.


Lists 2-6 are user defined lists and can be used however you so desire. The best immediate use for these lists is to identify the hands for which you are only willing to pay N bets to see the flop. The symbols nlistmin and nlistmax can be used to determine the maximum number of bets you think this hand is worth on the preflop. Note that you will need to modify your formulas to achieve this behavior.

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